Local Cooperation Partners

Several cooperation partners within Germany have agreed to lend their expertise spanning historical sociolinguistics, archaeology, history, and political science to this project in the form of advice, institutional support, and infrastructure. 

  • Nils Langer, Professor of North Frisian and Minority Research at the Institute for Frisian Studies and Minority Research, Europa-Universität Flensburg. Langer has published extensively in historical sociolinguistics in the 19th century, specifically in Schleswig-Holstein. Langer’s expertise is on the invisibilization of historical multilingualism and non-standard languages.
  • Karoline Kühl, Professor of Danish linguistics at the Institute für Danish Studies, Europa-Universität Flensburg. Kühl is an expert in corpus linguistics, especially for multilingual corpora, and varieties of Danish in contact settings, including in South Schleswig. Kühl ist the director of the Center for Small and Regional Languages (KURS). 
  • Vello Pettai, Director of the European Centre for Minority Issues (ECMI), Flensburg. Pettai is an expert in minority studies, policy, and ethnopolitics.
  • Mogens Rostgaard Nissen, archivist and historian in Den Slesvigske Samling (the Schleswig Collection) at the Dansk Centralbibliotek (Danish Central Library), Flensburg. He has extensive historical knowledge regarding the collection, its materials, and the region/time period in question.
  • Christoph Schmidt, Director of the Nordfriisk Instituut, Bredstedt. Beyond his capacity as director of the NFI, through which he has procured funding for transcription work of the Ranzelberg Gästebuch, and offered access to NFI archives and reading room, and desk space, Schmidt is an expert in archaeology, history, and folklore.