Project ViNoRHM Events

Wer nicht liebt Wein, Weib und Gesang - Women and the Ranzelberg Guestbook

Forum for Germanic Language Studies

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Presentation at the 16th Forum for Germanic Language Studies conference (Cambridge)

Wer nicht liebt Wein, Weib und Gesang…: Women and the Ranzelberg Guestbook "Who doesn’t love wine, women and song, remains a fool his whole life long." Perhaps the most repeated adage in the Ranzelberg Guestbook, this gives a first impression of the guestbook’s signatories and the topics that were important to them.

Women, who are often invisibilized in language history (Langer & Havinga 2015), are the focus of this presentation. How they are invisibilized, how they are spoken about by others, and how their entries are received when they do write in the guestbook are the basis of this qualitative sociolinguistic analysis.


Forum for Germanic Language Studies
Newnham College
ZIP code and city
Cambridge, UK