Prof. Dr.Karoline Kühl

Picture of Karoline Kühl


+49 461 805-2214
Gebäude Oslo
OSL 351
Auf dem Campus 1
Post code / City
24943 Flensburg


Institut für Dänisch

Consultation hours

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No Title Type Semester
311202l Schriftliche Sprachkompetenz Niveau 1 Übung Autumn semester 2024
319701l Forschungskolloquium (für Master-Studierende & Doktorand*innen) Kolloquium Autumn semester 2024
353212l Linguistik: Sprache und Migration Seminar Autumn semester 2024
311901l Areale und soziale Varietäten der dänischen Sprache Seminar Autumn semester 2024
  • Language contact and multilingualism incl. Danish
  • Danish language in migration
  • Danish language in (post)colonial situations
  • Language ecology incl. Danish
  • Danish language outside Denmark, in particular on the Faroe Islands, as an immigrant variety in Argentina and North America, as a minority language in Northern Germany and as a historical colonial language in the Carribean (Dansk Vestindien)

Completed Projects

Variation and change in Danish (2019–2020): Making of films and teaching material (in Danish) on the historical development of Danish language, old dialects and new ethnolects, Danish on the Faroe Islands and in the Danish-German border region as well as Danish spoken by Danish emigrants in the U.S. and Argentina. Available at


Danish Voices in the Americas (2014–2018, University of Copenhagen): The project has aimed at mapping heritage Danish in North America and in Argentina as spoken by the emigrants of the European transatlantic mass emigration from the late 19th and early 20th century, and their descendants. The Danish Voices-project has assembled a large database of heritage Danish speech with recordings from Argentina, Canada and the US made in between 1963 and 2015 (Corpus of American Danish). The database contains recordings of ca. 300 speakers born between 1870 and 1971. Based on these data, we have described how Danish has changed since it left home: What kind(s) of Danish is spoken in North and South America and what are the differences to spoken Mainland Danish? Read more about the findings at On the Danish site (


Varieties of Danish outside Denmark (2012–2014, University of Copenhagen): Based on three smaller corpora of Danish outside Denmark, the project focused on linguistic differences between Faroe Danish, South Schleswig Danish and Danish spoken by Danish emigrants in the U.S. and on the differences between these varieties and Denmark Danish.

Brown, Joshua R. & Karoline Kühl (eds.) (forthc.) Gravestones of multilingual communities as sources for historical sociolinguistics. Special Issue of the Journal of Historical Sociolinguistics.

Kühl, Karoline; Litty, Samantha M. (forthc.) Translocated (heritage) communities. In: Bridget Drinka, Terttu Nevalainen & Gijsbert Rutten (eds) Handbook of Historical Sociolinguistics: De Gruyter Mouton.

Litty, Samantha M.; Kühl, Karoline (eds.) (2025) Selected Proceedings of the 14th Workshop on Immigrant Languages in the Americas (WILA 14): Bergen Language and Linguistic Studies (BeLLS).

Kühl, Karoline (2024) Germanic Languages in Contact in Central and South America. In: Sebastian Kürschner & Antje Dammel (eds) Encyclopedia of Germanic Linguistics (part of Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Linguistics ed. by M. Aronoff). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Kühl, Karoline; Heegård Petersen, Jan (2023): Die dänische Sprachminderheit in Argentinien. In: Patrick Wolf-Farré, Lucas Löff Machado, Angélica Prediger und Sebastian Kürschner (Hg.): Deutsche und weitere germanische Sprachminderheiten in Lateinamerika: Grundlagen, Methoden, Fallstudien. Berlin: Lang (MinGLA 1)

Bakker, Peter; Kühl, Karoline; Heegård Petersen, Jan (2022): De nye hjem. In: Ebba Hjorth, Birgitte Jacobsen, Henrik Galberg Jacobsen, Bent Jørgensen und Merete K. Jørgensen (Hg.): Dansk Sproghistorie. Dansk i samspil., Bd. 5. 6 Bände. København: Det Danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab (5).

Heegård Petersen, Jan; Kühl, Karoline (2021): Argentine Danish grammatical gender: stability with strongly patterned variation. In: Journal of Germanic linguistics 33 (1), S. 67–94. (Online verfügbar unter DOI

Kühl, Karoline (2021): Language shift and maintenance among Danish immigrants in the US. A (not) so clear picture. In: The Bridge. Journal of the Danish American Heritage Society 43 (1), S. 3–24. (PDF)

Heegård Petersen, Jan; Kühl, Karoline; Foget Hansen, Gert (2020): Kodeskift i de udvandrerdanske varieteter i Nordamerika og Argentina: Inventar, frekvens, funktion. In: NyS 58, S. 79–112. (Online verfügbar unter DOI:

Kühl, Karoline; Heegård Petersen, Jan; Hansen, Gert Foget (2020): The Corpus of American Danish: A language resource of spoken immigrant Danish in North and South America. In: Language Resources and Evaluation 54 (3), S. 831–849. (Online verfügbar unter DOI:

Kühl, Karoline; Holmegaard Aastrup, Iben (2020): How Danish were the Danish West Indies? Language use in written sources in a multilingual colonial society. In: Natascha Levkovych (Hg.): Advances in Colonial Toponomastics (Koloniale und Postkoloniale Linguistik / Colonial and Postcolonial Linguistics (KPL/CPL)).

Kühl, Karoline (2019): New Denmark, Canada: An exceptional case of language maintenance in a Danish immigrant settlement. In: Journal of Historical Sociolinguistics 5 (1), S. 1–30. (Online verfügbar unter DOI:

Maegaard, Marie; Kühl, Karoline; Møller, Janus Spindler (2019): 40. Qualitative data elicitation and analysis. In: Jeroen Darquennes, Joseph C. Salmon und Wim Vandenbussche (Hg.): Language contact. Berlin, Boston: de Gruyter (Handbücher zur Sprach- und Kommunikationswissenschaft), S. 487–500.

Hansen, Gert Foget; Kühl, Karoline; Heegård Petersen, Jan (2018): Kan nordamerikadansk beskrives som en varietet af dansk? In: Tanya Karoli Christensen, Torben Juel Jensen, Christina Fogtmann Fosgerau, Martha Sif Karrebæk, Marie Maegaard, Nicolai Pharao und Pia Quist (Hg.): Dansk i det 20. århundrede. København: U Press, S. 121–134.

Heegård Petersen, Jan; Thøgersen, Jacob; Hansen, Gert Foget; Kühl, Karoline (2018): Linguistic proficiency in immigrant and heritage speakers of Danish in Argentina and North America: A quantitative approach. In: Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory. (Online verfügbar unter DOI:

Heegård Petersen, Jan; Kühl, Karoline (Hg.) (2018): Selected proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Immigrant Languages in the Americas. Somerville: Cascadilla Press (Cascadilla Proceedings Project). Online verfügbar unter

Kühl, Karoline (2018): Constructional change based on cross-linguistic analogy building in North American Danish. In: Jan Heegård Petersen & Karoline Kühl (Hg.): Selected proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Immigrant Languages in the Americas. Somerville: Cascadilla Press (Cascadilla Proceedings Project), S. 63–70. (PDF)

Kühl, Karoline (2018): "Vi kan rejse og pille lige så godt som de derude". Kartoffelavlerdansk i det østlige Canada. In: Maal og mæle (1), S. 17–23. (PDF)

Heegård Petersen, Jan; Kühl, Karoline; Hartling, Anna Sofie (2018): Danskargentinernes særlige grammatik. In: Maal & Maele (3), S. 18–24. (PDF)

Kühl, Karoline; Heegård Petersen, Jan (2018): Argentinadansk: Argentinadanskernes særlige ordforråd. In: Maal & Maele (2), S. 10–16. (PDF)

Kühl, Karoline; Heegård Petersen, Jan (2018): Word Order in American Danish Declaratives with a Non-Subject Initial Constituent. In: Journal of language contact 12 (1), S. 413–440. (Online verfügbar unter DOI:

Kühl, Karoline; Peterson, Elizabeth (2018): The remains of the Danes: The final stages of language shift in Sanpete County, Utah. In: Joshua R. Brown und Joshua Bousquette (Hg.): Heritage and Immigrant Languages in the Americas: Sociolinguistic Approaches. Special issue. Journal of Language Contact (11 (2)), S. 208–232 (Online verfügbar unter DOI

Heegård Petersen, Jan; Kühl, Karoline (2017): Argentinadansk: Semantiske, syntaktiske og morfologiske forskelle til rigsdansk. In: NyS 52-53, S. 231–258. (Online verfügbar unter DOI

Kühl, Karoline (2017): Translocated Danish in Northern Europe. The case of Faroe Danish and Dano-Norwegian. In: Sociolinguistica 31 (1), S. 57–72. DOI: 10.1515/soci-2017-0005 ( (PDF)

Kühl, Karoline; Heegård Petersen, Jan (2017): Var de gift eller blev de gift? Om biografiske overgangsprædikater i amerikadansk. In: Inger Schoonderbeek Hansen, Tina Thode Hougaard und Kathrine Thisted Petersen (Hg.): 16. Møde om Udforskningen af Dansk Sprog. Aarhus: Aarhus Universitetsforlag, S. 231–245. (Online verfügbar unter

Kühl, Karoline; Heegård Petersen, Jan; Hansen, Gert Foget; Gregersen, Frans (2017): CoAmDa. Et nyt dansk talesprogskorpus. In: Danske talesprog (17), S. 131–160.

Petzell, Malin; Kühl, Karoline (2017): The influence of non-linguistic factors on the usage of the pre-prefix in Luguru. In: Linguistic discovery 15 (1), S. 35–48. (Online verfügbar unter DOI:

Hansen, Nadia (2016): En snert af dansk mellem urskov og pampa. Det danske i to danskerkolonier i Argentina. Unter Mitarbeit von Jan Heegård Petersen und Karoline Kühl. (Hansen, Heegård & Kühl 2016) (PDF)

Kühl, Karoline; Heegård, Jan (2016): Ledstillingsvariation i amerikadanske hovedsætninger med topikalisering. In: Ny forskning i grammatik (23), S. 161–176. (Online verfügbar unter

Peterson, Elizabeth; Kühl, Karoline (2016): Nisser taler ikke engelsk. En svanesang over dansk i Sanpete County, Utah. In: Maal og mæle 37 (3), S. 4–10. (PDF)

Heegård Petersen, Jan; Thøgersen, Jacob; Kühl, Karoline (2015): Holdninger til dansk blandt nyindvandrede danskere i Californien: En afrapportering af en holdningsundersøgelse. København.

Kühl, Karoline (2015): ’Det er easy at tale engelsk også’. Amerikadansk i 1960’erne og 1970’erne. In: NyS 47, S. 39–64. Online verfügbar unter DOI:

Kühl, Karoline (2015): Danske aflæggere i Nordeuropa: Færødansk, sydslesvigdansk og bokmål. In: Danske talesprog 14, S. 29–54. (PDF)

Kühl, Karoline (2015): Faroe Danish. An unknown variety. In: Eivind Torgersen, Stian Hårstad, Brit Mæhlum und Unn Røyneland (Hg.): Language variation – European perspectives V. Selected papers from the Seventh International Conference on Language Variation in Europe (ICLaVE 7), Trondheim, June 2013. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins (Studies in language variation, 17), S. 157–168. (

Kühl, Karoline (2015): South Schleswig Danish. Caught between privileges and disregard. In: Rudolf Muhr, Dawn Marley, Heinz L. Kretzenbacher und Anu Bissoonauth (Hg.): Pluricentric languages. New perspectives in theory and description. Wien: Peter Lang, S. 227–240. (PDF)

Braunmüller, Kurt; Höder, Steffen; Kühl, Karoline (Hg.) (2014): Stability and divergence in language contact. Factors and mechanisms. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins (Studies in language variation, 16). (

Kühl, Karoline; Braunmüller, Kurt (2014): Linguistic stability and divergence: An extended perspective on language contact. In: Kurt Braunmüller, Steffen Höder und Karoline Kühl (Hg.): Stability and divergence in language contact. Factors and mechanisms. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins (Studies in language variation, 16), S. 13–38 (

Kühl, Karoline (2013): Færødansk og dansk på Færøerne. In: Mål og mæle 35 (4), S. 15–22. (PDF)

Kühl, Karoline (2012): Ad hoc contact phenomena or established features of a contact variety? Evidence from corpus analysis. In: Thomas Schmidt und Kai Wörner (Hg.): Multilingual corpora and multilingual corpus analysis. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins (HSM, 14), S. 199–214.

Kühl, Karoline (2011): Features of writtenness transferred: Faroe-Danish language of distance. In: Svenja Kranich, Viktor Becher, Steffen Höder und Juliane House (Hg.): Multilingual discourse production. Diachronic and synchronic perspectives. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins (HSM, 12), S. 183–205.

Kühl, Karoline; Petersen, Hjalmar P. (2009): Converging verbal phrases in related languages. A case study from Faro-Danish and Danish-German language contact situations. In: Kurt Braunmüller und Juliane House (Hg.): Convergence and divergence in language contact situations. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: Benjamins (HSM, 8), S. 101–124.

Kühl, Karoline; Westergaard, Astrid (2009): Schriftspracherwerb in einer Zweitsprache. Flensburg: Flensburg University Press (Studia Danica, 1).

Fredsted, Elin; Kühl, Karoline; Westergaard, Astrid (2008): Sind zwei Sprachen besser als eine? In: Reinold Funke, Olaf Jäkel und Franz Januschek (Hg.): Denken über Sprechen. Facetten von Sprachbewusstheit. Flensburg: Flensburg University Press (Flensburg Linguistics. Applied and interdisciplinary research, 1), S. 51–71.

Kühl, Karoline (2008): Bilingualer Sprachgebrauch bei Jugendlichen im deutsch-dänischen Grenzland. Hamburg: Kovač (Philologia, 127).