Vocational Specialisation Electrical Technology

The central point of focus in teaching and research in Electrical Technolgy is on professional gainful employment and the organisation of relevant training and further education in the electrical trades. In the relevant occupational field of Electrical Engineering in particular we therefore currently thematize around 800,000 employees in over 750 electrical professions as well as about 120,000 apprentices in around 20 electrical-related recognized trades from an occupational science and didactic point of view. We also cover their historical and current developments.

As a result, students develop comprehensive skills in educational science and specialist knowledge in their chosen subjects. They also learn how to teach and plan lectures and courses which is essential for teachers in vocational schools in order to plan, understand and evaluate vocational teaching and learning processes. This also applies to a variety of advanced vocational training courses leading to qualifying as a state certified electrical engineering technician (staatl. geprüfter Elektrotechniker) or a master electrician (Elektromeister(in). These qualifications are also covered in teaching and research at biat.

biat participates in nationwide evaluation and redesign processes for  these initial and continuing training occupations. European and international cooperations and studies supplement and further existing knowledge in the occupational field of Electrical Technolgy which augments teaching and research in the professional specialisation of Electrical Technolgy.


+49 461 805 2820
Gebäude Dublin
DUB 205
Campusallee 3
Post code / City
24943 Flensburg
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