Collaboration and Connectivity: The Cornerstones of Our Success

Our department is networked regionally, nationally and internationally. A network of partners from industry, development cooperation, research and business has been established through memberships, cooperation agreements and staff initiatives. The university is networked with universities worldwide through ERASMUS and bilateral agreements. The networking profile is utilised in a number of ways: for example, to initiate Master's theses, visits on excursions, for joint projects and invitations to events, such as the annual graduation ceremony.

Our Sustainable Energy & Development (SEDev) program is an integral part of the German Association of Postgraduate Programs (AGEP) with Special Relevance to Developing Countries. AGEP facilitates connections among universities, prospective students, and various stakeholders from science, politics, administration, business, and civil society. Through collaborative efforts and additional initiatives, AGEP plays a crucial role in bolstering the global recognition of German educational programs.

With a diverse portfolio spanning over 50 German postgraduate programs, AGEP encompasses disciplines ranging from natural and engineering sciences to regional studies, environmental studies, agricultural sciences, as well as social, economic sciences, and human medicine. Despite their varied focuses, these programs share a common goal: fostering sustainable development in participants' home countries and nurturing students as catalysts for change aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).