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Practical Information


Studying is also about living locally. Flensburg and the university offer a wide range of cultural and leisure activities, with the harbor shaping the way of life. While living costs here are lower than in most other university towns, you should plan to spend about 750 euros per month, including student union fees, on your living expenses during your studies in Flensburg.

Where and what do the people of Flensburg eat and where do they shop? What housing options does the city offer? How is medical care and advising on various life situations organized? Here you will find helpful resources for everyday life. 

Advice on BAföG (German student aid), psychosocial counseling, study and job, health handicaps, child and pregnancy, caring for close relatives:

Student life counseling, psychological counseling, international students, studying with disability and/or chronic illness:

Center for Information and Media Technology (for questions about Moodle, WLAN at the university, email or Studiport):

EUF Examination Office (SPA)

EUF Student Guidance and Counseling Office
Academic and subject-specific advising
Studying abroad
City of Flensburg'
Financing your studies
Equal opportunity