RDM News

New Field of Activity - RDM@EUF

On 01.03.2024 a new website was launched, starting a new field of activity: research data management. RDM@EUF is planned to support and advise research staff at EUF in all related topics.

RDM@EUF is a strategic measure to implement the requirements regarding research data (management) as laid down in the

Satzung zur guten wissenschaftlichen Praxis, the Special Code of Conduct for Research, as well as the EUF Research Data Policy.

The new work area will be successively expanded and serves as a low-threshold offer for all members of EUF, regardless of their level of knowledge and practical experience. The objective - in addition to providing specific advice on project applications - is to raise awareness with regard to the transparent and sustainable handling of research data. This should also make the outstanding research work carried out at EUF on a daily basis even more visible.