Veranstaltungen und Termine

The Alphabet and Silent Communication During Civil Wars in Cameroon


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Prof. Dr. Patrice Nganang (Stony Brook University, USA) wird den heutigen Vortrag zum Thema "The Alphabet and Silent Communication During Civil Wars in Cameroon" im Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaftlichen Kolloquium halten.

Before becoming the location of two civil wars (1959-1970, and 2017 till today) Cameroon was the playing ground of world powers, having been colonized first by Germans, and then the British and the French. As such, the country has been in the middle of the last global wars. This has had consequences on the way Cameroonians talk about war, but mostly on the way they interact with each other during the war. How the written word is used during violent campaigns has been significant from the invention of shumum language to the use of social media today – Twitter, Facebook. How is the ‘war front scripture’ meaningful in shaping a new Cameroonian literature? These are the questions this talk will address.

Vortragssprache: englisch

Das Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaftliche Kolloquium der EUF steht in diesem Herbstsemester unter der Überschrift: Transnationale Literaturen und Literaturtransfer im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert. Die Vorträge finden teils digital, teils in Präsenz statt. Alle Interessierten sind herzlich willkommen

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