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Wasatia Lecture Series with Professor John Loughlin (Univ. of Cambridge)

Title: The Northern Ireland Good Friday Agreement: Peace but is there Reconciliation?

Date: Wednesday, May 15th, 2024, from 16:00 to 18:00

Bio: Professor John Loughlin is Emeritus Fellow of St Edmund’s College, Cambridge, a Senior Research Fellow of Blackfriars Hall, Oxford and Emeritus Professor of European Politics at Cardiff University.

He was the Director of Von Hǔgel Institute at St Edmund’s.

He has researched widely on European regionalism, federalism and multilevel governance and published widely on these subjects. Among his publications are The Oxford Handbook of Local and Regional Democracy (OUP, 2010). He also has a research interest in religion and politics as well as the question of human dignity. In 2019, he published an edited book entitled Human Dignity in the Judeo-Christian Tradition: Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican and Protestant perspectives (Bloomsbury Press). As a native of Belfast, he brings direct experience of the Northern Troubles as well as a scholarly interest. 


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