Claudius receives the 2025 Clarence Ayres Scholar Award
The Clarence Ayres Scholar Award is awarded by the Association for Evolutionary Economics (AfEE) to an international scholar for outstanding work in the area of institutional economics. Claudius has received this award in 2025 for his contributions on the methodology of institutionalist analysis and the analysis of different development models in the EU.
Just green transformation
What is pluralist economics all about? And how can it contribute to better economics? Claudius Gräbner-Radkowitsch was a guest on Jack Roycroft's podcast about science. Here you can find out how it can enrich the debate about a just green transformation.
The twin problem of structural interdependencies
The degrowth movement is a radical attempt to challenge our current economic system, arguing that its excessive focus on economic growth will ultimately harm people and planet. The movement is strongly committed to the idea of global justice and a decolonization of relations between the Global North and South.
Click here to read Claudius Gräbner-Radkowitsch's blog post on the role of the Global South in den contemporary degrowth discourse.
The problem of structural global dependencies
But what about the Global South? This question comes up again and again when degrowth is presented as a concept. Is degrowth only a concept for the Global North, which has to limit its overconsumption, or should countries in the Global South also become more growth-independent? Or wouldn't that initially plunge many people in the South into great hardship?
Click here to read Claudius Gräbner-Radkowitsch's blog post on critical questions about degrowth and the global South.
Degrowth and the Global South: The twin problem of global dependencies
Two of our recent publications study the role of the Global South within the Degrowth discourse. The paper "Degrowth and the Global South: The twin problem of global dependencies" was recently published in the journal Ecological Economics. It builds on a systematic literature review and not only describes the various ways that the existing literature on degrowth considers the Global South, but also delineates implications for future research in this subject area. It stresses that it is particularly the challenge of structural dependencies between the Global North and South that should receive more attention in the future.
In a companion paper, which has been published in the Journal of Economics Issues, we studies to what extent this challenge could be addressed by referring more to work from the field of institutionalist studies.
The visit of the State Secretary
During the visit of Guido Wendt, State Secretary at the Ministry of Education and Science, Research and Culture of the State of Schleswig-Holstein, to the European University Flensburg, Claudius Gräbner-Radkowitsch presented his current DFG-funded project "The green transition and economic polarization in Europe". More information can be found via the official EUF press release.
The new development model of the European Union
In a recent publication, Claudius Gräbner-Radkowitsch, Theresa Hager and Anna Hornykewycz discuss the new development model of the European Union. The study "Competing for Sustainability? An Institutionalist Analysis of the New Development Model of the European Union" has been published in the Journal of Economic Issues and discusses whether the EU's new economic development model of competitive sustainability could serve as a blueprint for environmentally sustainable development models for advanced economies in general.
Moderation ICES Lecture with Rasmus Andresen
Rasmus Andresen visited the European University Flensburg on May 12. The visit took place as part of the ICES Lecture. Claudius Gräbner-Radkowitsch moderated this event, in which current European political topics were discussed with a particular focus on topics relevant for young Europeans
On the link between regional inequalities the green transition in the EU
Claudius gave a presentation for the Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion (DG EMPL) of the European Commission in which he discusses the relationship between climate and cohesion policy in the European Union. The presentation builds on work done in cooperation with the ZOE Institute for future-fit economies and took place within the Speaker Series ‚Social Policy Unpacked: Exploring pathways for fair green and digital transitions’.
The presentation was public and followed by an internal discussion with the members of the Commission. The recording of the public part of the event and the corresponding slides are publicly available.
New paper on trade models in the European Union
Claudius Gräbner-Radkowitsch published a paper on "Trade models in the European Union". The paper delineates six different "trade models" for 22 EU countries by clustering countries on the basis of four key dimensions of trade performance: endowments, technological specialisation, labour market characteristics and regulatory requirements. Subsequently, the paper comprises a comparative analysis of the economic development and trends in inequality across these trade models. The paper has been published in the journal Economic Annals and is available open access here.
Agent-based modelling and complexity economics
On January 26, Claudius Gräbner-Radkowitsch gave an invited lecture introducing the topic of "Agent-Based Modelling and Complexity Economics" (German: "Agentenbasierte Modelle und Komplexitätsökonomik") at the University of Siegen. The talk was in German an was meant as a first overview. The slides are available here.
Degrowth and the Global South
Claudius Gräbner-Radkowitsch gave a presentation at this year’s AFEE session on "Dependency and Structuralism in the Current Crisis" during the ASSA meetings in New Orleans. The title was "Degrowth and the Global South? How institutionalism can complement a timely discourse on ecologically sustainable development in an unequal world" and it extends another paper by asking how institutionalist contributions can help addressing blind spots in the current discourse on degrowth and the Global South. The slides are available here, and the current draft of the underlying paper here. Earlier, his colleague Theresa Hager presented a joint paper at the ICAPE conference earlier. The current version of the paper, which analyzes the merger of "competitiveness" and "sustainability" in the current development model of the EU can be found here.
Keynote on an "Applied Economic Methodology" at the Second Philosophy & Economics Conference
Claudius Gräbner-Radkowitsch was invited to give a keynote on the merits and challenges of an "Applied Economic Methodology" at the Second Philosophy & Economics Conference in Vienna. In his talk he argues that concepts developed from economic methodologists can not only help improving actual economic research practice considerably, but also to facilitate a more pluralist economic research community as a whole. You can find the slides of the talk here.
Claudius Gräbner-Radkowitsch published a paper on a model of a monetary union that is characterized by strong differences in terms of the competitiveness of its members. In this paper, which has been published in the journal Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, the authors explore the implications for economic dynamics, as well as possible policy measures to stabilizes such a monetary union. The paper is available open access here.
Climate change mitigation and socio-economic convergence in the EU
In this new article, Claudius Gräbner-Radkowitsch and Jakob Hafele from the ZOE Institute explain why EU climate protection measures are urgently needed, but can only be successfully enforced if they address rising inequalities among Member States. An active industrial policy is essential in this context. The article is part of the anthology "Making the great turnaround work: Economic policy for a green and just transition" published by the Heinrich Böll Foundation and can be accessed free of charge here.
Podcast “In der Wirtschaft”
Claudius Gräbner-Radkowitsch was guest on the (German-speaking) podcast "In der Wirtschaft". In about 70 minutes he spoke about the pros and cons of economic modelling, especially agent-based models, but also the need for pluralism in economics and current debates about degrowth. You can listen to the episode here.
Pluralism and global inequality
At the invitation of Rethinking Economics Tübingen, Claudius Gräbner-Radkowitsch gave the opening speech for the public lecture series "Economics crises and the crisis of economics" in Tübingen. The title of the talk was "Liegt die Wahrheit irgendwo dazwischen? Eine plurale Perspektive auf globale Ungleichheit" and the slides are available here.