The department of Comparative Political Economy is concerned with institutional regulations of labour markets, systems of vocational training and corporate governance as well as conditions for innovation. Institutions are taken to be formal and informal rules guiding human behaviour. Analysing such rules contributes to a better understanding of problems which emerge at the intersection of economic, political and societal spheres. These are problems such as unemployment, indebtedness or socio-economic inequality.
By founding the department of Comparative Political Economy, the IIM has established a new regional focus on the economies of Southern Europe. This regional focus will soon be represented in the "International Management" studies programme by a recently created "Southern European" track in Area Studies. Hence, the department aims at the analysis of governance structures in culturally diverse economies. This perspective will help students to improve their knowledge on the cultural embeddedness of markets and corporations. By focussing on the economies of Southern Europe the department supports the orientation of the Europa-University of Flensburg and contributes to contemporary issues raised by studies on European affairs.