Studying with a Disability

Survey Results: Studying with a Disability in Flensburg

Here you can find information about EUF's special evaluation of the report (in German) "beeinträchtigt studieren 2" ("best 2"), a collection of data about the situation of students with disabilities and chronic illnesses. The report was conducted by the German Student Union in 2016 and 2017. 

Information and Advising Resources

Information and Advising

On-campus services and resources

The counseling and advising services listed here are for all students who are additionally burdened in their studies and exams due to a particular life situation, disability or chronic illness.

The AstA student union offers an advising and counseling service on issues related to studying with a disability. The service provides information on how to apply for compensation for study-related disadvantages, as well as for BAföG and the benefits set forth in the German Social Code II (SGB II). The counseling service offers personal support in problem situations.

The Diversity Officers offer advising and support as you organize your studies and apply for compensation for disadvantages. They help students advocate for themselves with EUF lecturers and the university administration, and participate in EUF committees to ensure that the interests of students with disabilities and chronic illnesses are taken into account.

The psychological counseling service of Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein helps students resolve personal conflicts and problems by offering psychological help and support in its counseling centers.

Counselling student life - Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein offers anonymous, confidential and university independent counseling on campus or on site. The counselors are familiar with student-specific regulations and the requirements of various laws and their possible combinations. 

The Student Guidance and Counseling Service at EUF provides information and advice on EUF course offerings, scholarships, and many other issues related to studying. 


Supra-regional counseling and information services include the following: is a project of the non-profit group "Initiative für transparente Studienförderung" [Initiative for Transparent Student Support ]. At, high school graduates, students, and doctoral students with disabilities can get an overview of funding opportunities.

The Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Hörbehinderter Studenten und Absolventen e.V. (German National Association of Hearing-Impaired Students and Graduates / BHSA) is a student self-help association that supports hearing-impaired students in their studies. The BHSA offers counseling, organizes conferences and seminars.

What is dyslexia?

What is dyscalculia?

Information and support services for students with dyslexia / dyslexia and dyscalculia can be found on the pages of the Bundesverband Legasthenie und Dyskalkulie e.V. [German Dyslexia and Dyscalculia Association] (in German only).

Information on impairments related to dyslexia/dyscalculia (reading/spelling disorder) and possible compensation for disadvantages can be found here (in German).

Information on impairments in connection with dyscalculia (arithmetic impairment) as well as possible compensation for disadvantages can be found here (in German).

The Deutscher Verein der Blinden und Sehbehinderten in Studium und Beruf e.V. [German Association of the Blind and Visually Impaired in Study and Work] offers advice on topics such as legal advice or advice on aids and services for members (for example, text services).

The Informations- und Beratungsstelle Studium und Behinderung [Studies and Disability Information and Counseling Center], IBS, is affiliated with your local student union's umbrella organization. The IBS advises prospective students and students by email or phone.

The corresponding webpages of the Deutschen Studentenwerks e.V, the German student union, provide ample information on the topic.

The organization also publishes numerous research study results. For example, see the free information brochure on studying and disabiliy (German only) Handbuch "Studium und Behinderung."

Studying Abroad

The information portal of the DAAD offers information and reports about studying abroad with a disability. Click here to go to the portal:  Diskutiere mit! Studieren weltweit (Join the discussion! Study worldwide)

Information about studying with a disability n Australia can be found here.

Information about studying in Great Britain can be found here.

Information about studying with a disability in Canada can be found here.

Information on studying with a disability in the USA can be found here.

Our International Center also offers a lot of information about studying abroad on this page. Information on studying abroad with a disability can be found there under "Auslandsaufenthalte unter besonderen Voraussetzungen."

Students with disabilities are often limited in their choice of internship and housing. However, depending on the field of study, internship credentials are often required. For students with special needs, it is already difficult to find a suitable internship, especially if you would like to combine a stay abroad with it. However, with good research and preparation, the dream of an internship abroad is doable. Just don't let the hurdles discourage you. Learn more ...

Students with disabilities write about their experiences abroad here:

Work and Travel, experience report by a student with walking disabilities.

On Campus

The illustration shows the furnishings of the workroom for visually impaired students. You can see two computer workstations at two desks with seating, a multifunction printer, and a flatbed scanner. 
In the Gothenburg Building (GOT), there is a workroom for students with visual impairments. 

There are two computer workstations with special software available, as well as a flatbed scanner. 

If you need to use this room, please contact the Diversity Representative.

Several specially designated parking areas are located near the main entrances to each building. 

In the Gothenburg Building (GOT) there is a quiet relaxation room (room 008). The room is available to all members of the university for a short, low-stimulus retreat from everyday university life.

Barrier-free restrooms can be found in almost all EUF buildings and on campus.

Helsinki (HEL): on the first floor on the right side.

Oslo (OSL): on the ground floor next to the elevators.

Riga (RIG): in each modular building in the middle of the long corridor.

Gothenburg (GOT): to the right of the Student Union Café Lounge.

Dublin (DUB): in the entrance area to the left of the elevator

Sports Center: between the locker rooms

Mensa: in the entrance area next to the cash machine

Library: In the entrance area on the left

Accessibility of campus buildings and grounds

Some campus hallways and paths are equipped with floor guidance systems (guidance systems for the blind). Information about the accessibility of individual buildings can be found on Flensburg Mobil.

Information on the individual buildings (entrance, door widths, ramps, elevators, barrier-free WC's and the like) can also be found on Flensburg Mobil:

Gebäude Oslo

Gebäude Tallinn 1

Gebäude Dublin

Gebäude Helsinki

Modulbau Amsterdam

Modulbau Göteborg

Modulbau Tallinn 3

Modulbau Trondheim

Modulbau Vilnius

Modulbauten Riga

Zentrale Hochschulbibliothek

Living in Flensburg

Studentenwerk Residence Halls

The Sandberg student residence hall of the Studentenwerk Schleswig-Holstein has conditionally barrier-free apartments, the campus dormitory has conditionally wheelchair-accessible rooms, and the Emmy-Hennings-Haus has a handicapped-accessible apartment. In addition, there are other houses run by the Studentenwerk in Flensburg.

Find more information on the homepage.

Wheelchair accessible dormitories

The Wohnheim am Sender is a fully inpatient residential facility that is completely barrier-free and offers permanent support, assistance and care.


Wheelchair accessible locations can also be found in Flensburg with the help of

Public transport

Everything you need to know about barrier-free public transportation is available from the city bus company Aktiv Bus. The bus can be used free of charge with the semester ticket.

Flensburg Mobile

The portal Flensburg Mobil contains information about accessibility to public buildings and parking facilities. In addition, information is provided about barrier-free accessible offers and events.

Tactile city map

Since 2011, a tactile city map has been hanging at the train station (between tracks 2 and 4). Tourist attractions as well as elevators, ticket machines, benches and crosswalks can be felt on the map. There is also a matching audio guide. For more information, click here.

Sports clubs

288 clubs and institutions are organized in the sports association for disabled and rehabilitation sports in Schleswig-Holstein (RBSV-SH). On the website you can search for clubs on your own, there is also the possibility of personal support in finding a suitable sports group.

Representative for people with disabilities

Christian Eckert is the representative for people with disabilities of the city of Flensburg. Office hours and contact details are available here.

A Flensburg for All

The initiative "ein Flensburg für alle" (A Flensburg for all) works to make the city barrier-free in the leisure sector.  Information about the project can be found here.

Legal regulations / definitions

§ Paragraph 2,1 SGB IX
"Persons with disabilities are persons who have physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which, in interaction with attitudinal and environmental barriers, are likely to prevent them from participating in society on an equal basis for longer than six months. An impairment according to sentence 1 exists if the physical and health condition deviates from the condition typical for the person's age. People are at risk of disability if an impairment according to sentence 1 is to be expected."

§ Paragraph 2, 2 SGB IX
"People are ... severely disabled if they have a degree of disability of at least 50 and their residence, habitual abode or employment in a job within the meaning of § 156 lawfully within the scope of this Code."