Housing in Flensburg

Rent: Information about living in Flensburg can be found here. The city of Flensburg will present a qualified rent index for the first time on January 1, 2024.

Housing offers in Flensburg and the surrounding area can be found on the relevant websites. Two housing cooperatives, the Selbsthilfebauverein e.G. (SBV) and the Flensburger Arbeiter-Bauverein e.G. (FAB), also offer apartments. It is possible to be put on a waiting list.

Properties for sale can also be found on the Internet or through various real estate agents. A look across the border to Denmark may also be worthwhile. The county of Schleswig-Flensburg offers information on the real estate market here, and Nordfriesland here.

Information on building plots in Flensburg can be found here.

Urban Development Information (ISEK)

Information on urban development can be found in the City of Flensburg's 2018 analysis and materia volume (Analyse und Materialband der Stadt Flensburg).

Living in Greater Flensburg and the surrounding districts

Here is an overview of the district Schleswig-Flensburg; those interested in building a home will find some basic information here. Cities, municipalities and offices in the district of Nordfriesland can be found here.