Study Information Day on Campus in Flensburg

Europa-Universität Flensburg and the Flensburg University of Applied Sciences cordially invite all prospective students and school pupils to our Study Information Day on January 28, 2025.

What is it about?

  • All of our Bachelor´s degree programs and sub-degree programs as well as the Bachelor's degree programs at Flensburg University of Applied Sciences will be presented in short talks on campus in the Helsinki building.
  • For all those interested in the B.A. Educational Sciences and Teacher Training, a more extensive presentation will be offered (in German). Participation is highly recommended.
  • There will also be talks (in German) on study orientation/application and student finance.

Our Lecture Program

Please note: Most presentations will be held in German. Please follow the weblinks (in English or German) for further information on our study programs.

Time Room (HEL 160) Room (HEL 067) Room (HEL 166) Room (HEL 066) Room (HEL 065) Room (HEL 063) Room (HEL 161)
09:30 - 10:30 Gesamtdarstellung
B.A. Bildungswiss./
Flensburger Wege ins Lehramt (ZSB)
B.A. Transkulturelle Europastudien: Sprachen, Kulturen, Interaktionen   B.A. European Cultures and Society   09:30-10:00 Studienorientierung & Bewerbung an der HS (ZSB) &
LSZ – Dein Mehrwert im Studium
    10:00-10:30 Neu: Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen  
10:40 - 11:10 Studienwahl & Bewerbung an der EUF (ZSB) Geographie Französisch Ergänzung/Zertifikat: Niederdeutsch Dänisch Biotechnologie, Lebensmitteltechnologie Betriebswirtschaft
11:20 - 11:50 Bildung, Erziehung, Gesellschaft Ernährungs- & Hauswirtschaftswiss. (LA bbS) Technik (B.A. BW) Spanisch B.A. International Management - BWL Schiffs- & Anlagentechnik Maschinenbau & Elektromobilität
12:00 - 12:30 Germanistik Geschichte Techn. Lehramt für berufl. Schulen Zentrum für  Lehrerinnen- & Lehrerbildung  Musik    Seeverkehr, Nautik & Logistik Wirtschaftsinformatik 
12:40  13:10 Mathematik Evangelische Theologie Katholische Theologie Gesundheit & Ernährung B.A. Sozialwissenschaft: Social and Political Change Gründung, Innovation, Entwicklung Green Engineering
13:20 - 14:20

B.A. Bildungswiss./
Flensburger Wege ins Lehramt (ZSB)

Bring your Lunch if you like


Kooperation HS & EUF:

Energiewissenschaften (HS) /
Energie- & Umweltmanagement (EUF)

14:30 - 15:00 Studienwahl & Bewerbung an der EUF (ZSB) Textil & Mode Physik Biologie Englisch Film & Media Arts Von Studierenden für Studierende – der AStA der Hochschule Flensburg
15:10 - 15:40 Studienfinanzierung (Studentenwerk SH) Sachunterricht (gesellschaftswiss. bzw. naturwiss. Ausrichtung) Chemie Wirtschaft & Politik Ergänzung/Zertifikat: Friesisch  Angewandte Informatik Studienorientierung & Bewerbung an der HS (ZSB)
15:50 - 16:20 Sonderpädagogik Darstellendes Spiel / Theater   Philosophie Infoveranstaltung zu Stipendien (ZSB) Medieninformatik
International Office (HS) - Auslandsmöglichkeiten
16:20 - 17:00 Sport Kunst          

Additional offers HS:

In some degree programs (e.g. energy sciences), a lab tour is planned afterwards.

  Overview Presentations EUF or Studentenwerk SH
  B.A. Bildungswissenschaften/Lehramtsbezogene Studiengänge EUF
  other Bachelor's Programs EUF
  Bachelor's Programs HS
  Overview Presentations HS
  Cooperative Study Program HS/EUF

Please note: Our program is subject to change.

What else can you expect?

Guided tours

It is possible to take part in guided tours (mostly in German, please address the tour guides if you need a translation into English):

  • Guided tours of the EUF-Campus by the student group Unistarter; meeting point: Beyond the back entrance of the Building Helsinki;
    • Start times: 10:45 a.m., 11:20 a.m., 12:05 p.m., 12:45 p.m., 14:35 p.m., 15:15 p.m.
  • Guided tours of the Central University Library (ZHB), meeting point: in the entrance area of the ZHB:
    • Start times: 12:00 noon, 1:20 p.m., 2:30 p.m., 3:10 p.m. and 4 p.m.
  • Guided tours of the Sports Center, meeting point: at the Sports Center (in the basement of GP Joule Arena/Campushalle , facing the dining hall):
    • Start times: 11:15 a.m., 12:00 p.m., 12:30 p.m., 1:30 p.m.

Information stands

On the ground floor of the Helsinki building you will find various information stands in the foyer (corridor):

You will find more information stands on the first floor of the Helsinki building in HEL 162 and HEL 156:

Do you want to take a break? You are welcome to do so in room HEL 163.

And here's what it looked like at the 2019 Studyinfoday:


Contact information (for internal coordination):

Would you like to learn more about our study programs? Please address:

Overview of Flensburg Campus