Doctoral Committee

The EUF Doctoral Committee supports PhD candidates in all aspects of their doctoral studies. The committee accompanies doctoral candidates at every stage of the process leading up to the doctorate, from applying for admission to appointing an examination committee to the conferral of the degree.

How to reach us:

If you have a question or would like to apply for funding from the committee, please email the head of the doctoral committee at:

Applications for admission to the doctoral procedure must be emailed to the above address no later than 14 days prior to the next meeting date. Otherwise, we cannot consider the application until the following meeting.

Your contact person:

+49 461 805 2848
Gebäude Dublin
DUB 005a
Campusallee 3
Post code / City
24943 Flensburg
Show details

Upcoming meeting dates

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Election Period

Group Period
Staff July 01, 2022 to August 31, 2024
Students July 01, 2022 to August 31, 2023

Committee members

Group Name
Chair Prof. Dr. Tabea Scheel
University lecturers Prof. Dr. Beate Blaseio
  Prof. Dr. Maike Busker (deputy chair)
  Prof. Dr. Nils Langer
  Prof. Dr. Lina Rahlf
  Prof. Dr. Anke Wischmann (deputy chair)
Academic Staff Dr. Ann-Kathrin Stoltenhoff
  Dr. Jutta Zaremba
Students Andre Hermann