
Vortrag 'Öffentliche Kommunikation als Ausgangspunkt einer aufsuchenden Forschungspraxis Public Engagement durch ‚non-specialist‘ storytelling im mobilen Tiny House', 5. Jahrestagung des AK Qualitative Methoden der Geographie und der raumsensiblen Sozial- und Kulturraumforschung des VGDH, März 2021  https://www.qualitative-methoden.giub.unibe.ch/ 

Partizipativer Workshop 'Temporal belongings: on-site conference hub for an online conference', Partizipativer Konferenzraul, Imagining Canada: 'Discovering' and Navigating 'All Our Relations' in an (Un)Common Country, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau,  September 2020  https://gksnwf2020.wixsite.com/canadafreiburg2020 

Vortrag 'Researching (non-)belonging through a conference fringe in the context of travel to academic events: the ’leisure’ of professional promotion or the promotion of professional ‘leisure’ ?', Vortrag DoktorandInnenkolloquium, Tourism Research AK Tourismusforschung (AKTF) und der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Tourismuswissenschaft e.V. (DGT),  Juli 2020  https://www.ak-tourismusforschung.org/de/category/kolloquium/

Vortrag 'Narrating a poetics of difference at the existential fringe of Early Career Research: the struggle for collective temporal insurgence in the individualistic contexts of academic conferencing', Vortrag, ESREA Life History and Biography Network Conference. Canterbury Christ Church University, Februar 2020

Vortrag 'Les formations diplômantes bricolage en Europe : études de cas', Colloque du Département Formation Situation Professionnelle (Institut de Psychologie). Université Lumière-Lyon 2, Januar 2020.

Partizipativer Workshop 'The poetry of the Scottish Attainment Challenge as seen from the SERA Edinburgh Fringe: re-scripting SIMD in three acts through experiential encounters in a tiny house conference hut', Moray House School of Education, University of Edinburgh, November 2019 

Vortrag 'La pratique des histoires de vie dans une cabane itinérante: réflexion et rêv'lexion sur une utopie spatiale de la formation pour adultes', Colloque International La recherche biographique en situations et en dialogues - Enjeux et perspectives, Paris 13 Laboratoire Experice, Oktober 2019 

Vortrag und Workshops 'Existential care for orientation in a complex society: re-scripting young people's everyday pressures to succeed through meaning-centered pedagogies', Children's and Young People's Mental Health and Wellbeing Conference: Communities, families, resilience and resistance, University of Stirling, September 2019 

Vortrag 'Experiencing a tiny house as mobile social work intervention', International Conference of Social Work and Mental Health (ICSWMH), University of York, July 2019   (Conference award for best abstract in category 'Community')

Partizipative Workshops 'Community development around the wood fire stove of a tiny mobile house: experiencing the civic shelter of the Welcome Hut', World Community Development Conference, School of Education and Social Work, University of Dundee, Juni 2019

Partizipative Workshops 'A tiny house dream tank for public sphere hospitalities',  European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, University of Edinburgh, Februar 2019

Vortrag 'Vagabond learning in a 'tiny house' shepherd's hut', Third International Conference on the Geographies of Education, Loughborough University, September 2018

Vortrag 'Landscapes of care beyond the consultation room: a counsellor's perspective', Emerging and New Researchers in the Geographies of Health and Impairment Conference (RGS), University of Bristol, Juni 2018

Vortrag und Workshops 'Conceptualising civic sanctuaries for human dignity in an uninviting public sphere', ESREA Migration, Transnationalism and Racisms network conference, University of Edinburgh, Juni 2018

Vortrag 'Case study of life storytelling and narrative arts applied in a civic shelter in France', International Inaugural Conference of Pluralistic Counselling and Psychotherapy, Abertay University Dundee, März 2018  (Young Researcher Award for Best Conference Presentation)