Unterstützung der Automobilindustrie in Thailand

How to Close the Demand-Supply-Gap for the Automotive and Autoparts Makers' Industries in Thailand


Automotive, Thailand, HRD
01.04.1997 - 15.02.1998
Institution der EUF
Berufsbildungsinstitut Arbeit und Technik (biat)


In order to accomplish the 8th national plan as one of the key prime drivers for promoting economic growth of the industrial sector, MoI (Ministry of Industry) has issued a policy plan as a framework for a clear direction of effective and sustainable development for Thai industries. The key strategic measures can be summarized as follows:

  • To set up autonomous and dynamic institutions as MoI's management tool to provide meaningful support regarding export promotion of existing and potential industries.
  • To set up an early warning system for quick monitoring of global economic and trade problems as well as the generation of proposal of appropriate solutions to maintain the competitiveness of Thai industries.
  • To speed up the application of ISO 9000 and ISO to enhance quality assurance as well as environmental protection related to Thai industries.
  • To set up an export processing zone and a free trade zone of specified industries, for better world competition resulting from significant cost reduction due to logistic locations and competitive supply.

Target Group

Employees in the car manufacturing sector.

Focus of research

Apart from the necessity of setting up an automotive institute as a strategic thrust to accommodate the steady growth of the automotive industries, the initiative of MoI's executives to conduct a study to generate clear directions for an automotive institute's action plan can be seen as an effective tool to support the management of institute operations in a systematic and professional manner.

The task of the study included three scopes:

1st: Demand of Human Resources in quantity and quality in the automotive industry.

2nd: Supply of Human Resources provided by the various technical and vocational training institutions including in-house training of companies.

3rd: Recommendations to meet the demand of automotive Human Resources Development (HRD) requirements for the next five years.

To fulfil the tasks and to meet the above mentioned aims, a research design was developed which followed the philosophy of quality-oriented approaches. The main objective was to produce an overview of the sector, to avoid subjective decisions in the absence of objective criteria. Based on this background, criteria had to be selected to achieve the aims of the study.

An important aspect of the quality oriented method is the possibility to acquire a contents-oriented understanding of the development in the industry in the course of the investigation, provided that the investigator has a good background in the field of the survey he is carrying through.

The contents-oriented analysis, the understanding of the development process and the ability to transfer the results of each case study into the context of the development of the entire automotive sector are the prerequisites for future recommendations, scenarios and more detailed planning.


To ensure that all important development of the Thai automotive sector are pointed out, the researchers designed the survey in a way to identify and explain the development and needs/demands of the sector after the analysis of

  • Automotive sector developments,
  • "Human Resources Development",
  • Status of the supply of Human Resources,
  • Demand-Supply-Gap in Human Resources.

The results of the analysis are used for conceptual recommendations of future perspectives of the automotive industry related to Human Resources Development.


The survey in Thailand's automotive industry (assemblers and parts manufacturers) was carried through on behalf of the MoI with the aim to give input to MoI's policy plan to close the demand-supply-gap in Human Resources for the automotive industries.


Study on the workforce demand of the automotive industry.
Concept for the development of a virtual automotive institute.

Spöttl, G.; Becker, M.: How to Close the Demand-Supply-Gap for the Automotive and Autoparts Makers' Industries in Thailand. Flensburg/Bangkok 1998.


Bild von Georg Spöttl, M.A.

Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c.Georg Spöttl, M.A.

+49 461 46020
Steinbeis-Transferzentrum InnoVET
PLZ / Stadt
24939 Flensburg

Partnerinnen und Partner


Ministry of Industry, Thailand